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A drop site is where you pick up your order!  You will choose a drop site location & time when you place your order on the order form.  We will meet you, along with other customers from that area to deliver your meat and receive your payment.  We ask that you arrive on time as we will have waiting customers at the next drop site.   We also ask that you pay with cash or check in the exact amount of your total. If you are traveling a distance you may want to bring a cooler to keep your meat frozen during your travel.

Our next DROPSITE DELIVERY is scheduled for Thursday, December 9th 2021.  Place your order BY  TUESDAY December 7th at Midnight.

Make Checks Payable to: TRAVIS STEELE


Look for the Steele Family Bison DARK GREY MINIVAN at your Drop Site location!

"Be the type of person that makes everyone you come across feel perfectly okay with being exactly who they are."  

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